Want to visit us in Costa Rica? We invite new faces and make new connections in the events below.
- Corporate Sponsor Tours
- Reforestation Tour
- Eco Chontales Waterfall Tour
- Climate Talks
- Nursery Day
- Kids' Nature Day
- Visit Us
Corporate Sponsor Tours
Sample Tour Schedule:
Cronograma para jornada de siembra de arboles ACCT
Lugar de Reunion: Valle San Juan de Dios, La Reina, Distrito de Baru, Perez Zeledon. Tiempo de viaje desde San Jose aproximadamente 4 a 5 horas.
05:00 Salida de San Jose (Nota: Puede prorrogar una hora)
10:00 Llegada al Vivero forestal ACCT ubicado en Comunidad de La Reina de Baru, Refrigerio con frutas, pan de yuca y jugos naturales.
Charla Introduccion de la actividad de reforestacion en Rancho Las Brisas del Rio.
10:45 Visita al vivero de arboles nativos. Seleccionar especies, cargar cajas con almacigos para la siembra y cargar la pick up con cajas de arboles.
11:15 Caminar hasta sitio de siembra preparado previamente. Trasladar en pick up los arboles seleccionados y herramientas al sitio de siembra.
11:30 - 2:00 Opcion 1. Actividad de siembra de arboles (reforestacion). Opcion 2. Actividad de vivero (llenado de bolsas, transplante de
almacigos y riego de arbolitos).
Opcion 3. Tour Caminata a finca cercana para observar proyecto de reforestacion ACCT 2011. Nuevo bosque y arboles de cacao.
2:00 Almuerzo tipico, preparado por grupo de mujeres de "La Reina de Baru".
Charla sobre las actividades realizadas y cierre de la jornada con comentario de Jennifer Smith Fundadora de ACCT-CostaRica y Lider de Cambio Climatico.
Tambien invitamos a los interesados a visitar la exposicion de artefactos rupestres encontrados en el area. Ver funcionar sistema de riego sostenible (bomba ariete), piscina de tilapia y camarones, y aprender sobre plantas medicinales.
COSTO: $50 por persona con almuerzo y refrigerio. Mas cerca oportunidad en Platanillo en VIVERO ACCT. 3 horas $35 por persona con almuerzo en SODA cercana no incluida en precio.
Tour a CATARATA y PROYECTO ECO-Chontales $65 por persona con almuerzo incluido. No incluye siembra de arboles pero si incluye tour y aprendizaje y caminata y natacion. Puede durar desde 3 a 5 horas.
Descuentos a $35 por ninos.
Reforestation and Medical Plant Tour
Learn about lunar cycles and tree magic. Visit an assortment of ongoing ACCT reforestation site visits with broad educational discussion. We will discuss challenges and processes of tree production, planting and maintenance, beneficial effects of reforestation and permaculture principles. Identification and discussion of medicinal trees and plants. Birdwatching and animal identification. Discussion of legal and social challenges for conservation of tropical rainforest and beneficial carbon sequestration. Discussion of current status of Indigenous Peoples rights to forests free from mining. Discussion of long term carbon sequestration, international and local implications and impacts.
Duration 5 to 6 hours. Participants should wear long pants and hiking boots and bring hats, sunglasses and sunscreen, long sleeve shirts also helpful. Binoculars and notebook if desired. Cameras! Each participant should be able hiker as we will walk a lot.
A delicious homegrown organic lunch can be prepared by Tica women participating with ACCT women�s group LA Reina del Baru. Cooling off in clean river is also optional

Eco Chontales Waterfall Tour
Join us for a 5 hour reforestation site tour. Snacks and lunch are provided. See the huge PRIZE after a short hike biodiverse reforestation project that is waiting to delight and amaze! Visit this glorious waterfall as it recycles massive amounts of fresh clean water right before our very eyes.
These brothers Cerdas Fallas are owners of the Project Eco Chontales. This family is paid to grow 3560 diverse native trees on their farm with a world class waterfall. Mario, Rene and Jose Chontales are pictured below with Jenny.
With reforestation as a foundation, these Costa Rican brothers and their families are working to get a new eco tourism project off the ground. They are creating a paradise eco tourism project complete with education about the importance of tropical reforestation for the planet. We have planted all kinds of fruit and wood trees all along the trails that lead through this farm. Deforested mountainsides and lagoons have been replanted and the farm is now regenerating soils and wildlife corridors.
They have chosen to cultivate long term sustainability by growing organic slow rainforest food for themselves, the tourists and the animals. This project is extra special because this waterfall serves as an attraction for tourists who end up learning how the rainforest trees make clouds that cool the planet and keep the hydrological cycle recycling over 20,000 gallons of water per acre each and every year.
Jose and Rene, two of the brothers, did most of the planting work alongside our capable crew of women tree planters.

Climate Talks
JENNIFER SMITH "TREE JENNY" has extensive training and experience in public speaking about solving climate change by planting biodiverse tropical trees. Jenny is working with leaders in the carbon neutrality industry, including Earth University in Costa Rica. She advocates employing the ACCT tree planting model projects to measure carbon sequestration and perfect the best reforestation practices long term for the highest benefits for communities and ecosystems. The benefits from purchasing ACCT carbon offsets are compounded in the tropics near the Equator. Jenny walks groups of all ages and educational backgrounds through this ground breaking, positive impact model solution. She answers so many questions like, "What is an ACCT carbon offset, and how do the Equator trees do it?" "Why is tree planting in equatorial countries like Costa Rica more effective to fight climate change?" Jenny uses videos, original photographs and stories and graphs from her 17 years of fieldwork, training and education to inspire and activate audiences around the globe. Her animation and enthusiasm is compelling. Jenny focuses on the trees themselves, community empowerment and collaboration in authentic and meaningful ways with both sponsors and tree planters. Jenny includes a healthy dose of scientific explanation as to what is climate change and how human beings can attempt to lessen its effects worldwide. Jenny shows proof positive how the ACCT solution is working to lower temperatures and restore habitats while regenerating healthy water cycles. She explains how everyday people around the world can make ACCT their own and participate in speaking for the rainforest trees as a solution available to all of us as part of our giving back to Nature and inspiring our own unique purpose in life with responsibility and compassion for ourselves, our lifestyles, our production processes, all benefitting the natural world

Nursery Day
Learn all about biodiversity and native rainforest trees in our hands on tree nursery action day in Platanillo, Costa Rica. You can arrive by bus and walk less than a mile to reach our community tree nursery with previous arrangements. Join our groups to learn about making fertile compost soil and foliar amendments with organic materials and bio-dynamic farming practices. Cleaning and planting seeds for germination is pivotal to growing all kinds of different fruit, medicinal and lumber trees. Everyone enjoys filling bags with fertile soil for productive tree transplanting activities suitable for all age groups. Pulling weeds and hand picking bugs are part of our interactive day. Watering baby trees and organizing trees by species rounds out a perfect 2 hour experience sure to inspire you and give you a rewarding feeling of giving back. Seed collection expeditions with educational walks in the jungle are available upon prior scheduling. Donations requested for all participants.

Kids' Nature Day
There is a huge group of dedicated parents and kids who make our Kid's Nature Day the wonderful tree loving experience it is. These committed community members contribute educational activities and arts and crafts projects to our monthly activities for Kid's of all ages, big kids too! Folks contribute healthy food for our communal lunches and we learn a lot about organic gardening and cooking with local ingredients. We just love all of our special teachers who participate in the community. Thanks to all our community carbon tree lovers for your immeasurable contributions!

Visit Us
We offer volunteer and study opportunities in a broad range of topics revolving around building new community reforestation based business paradigms with positive global impact both locally and remote. Special studies are available in tropical mixed native species agroforestry for carbon sequestration with biological corridor watershed and soil restoration. We also welcome social entrepreneurs and social and environmental justice seekers, gender studies specialists and climate change leaders and activists of all kinds. Marketers and advertisers, product manufacturers can help us a lot. We place a lot of stock in the artisans and artists, graphic designers, musicians, writers and poets who possess a special ability to reach out to the masses and open awareness through the creative process. Business, big and small, plays a role in being the change we all want to see. Just a tiny portion of your profits will offset your carbon pollution for future generations. Filmmakers and journalists can help us tell our story of success. Thespians and athletes also have a special ability to ignite the masses. Stay at home Moms and Dads, teachers from all walks of life, Ministers, counselors, life coaches, doctors, lawyers can guide people to positive action for the planet and for ourselves. Yogis of all kinds, raw food eaters, meat eaters, grandparents, spiritual journey men and women, bird watchers, drop- outs, naturalists, hippies, HUMANS in general, of all colors, sizes, walks of life.
At ACCT, We invite EVERYONE to contribute their own special gifts to the tree planting efforts in whatever way each person is individually called. There is no contribution too small. Even liking our Facebook can help us get the word out about our ground breaking community solution for climate change. We have created a wonderful tree nursery space that is ready for educational eco-tourism experiences with groups, families and individuals. By getting our "hands in the dirt", we connect with the marvel and beauty of life around us and nourish a deep feeling of calm and contentment. Come and contribute your energy to the tiny rainforest trees!

Getting in the dirt not your thing? You can definitely still help us from afar with graphic arts, documentaries, marketing campaigns or fundraisers. Tell your family and friends about us. Help us build a community of tree people committed to re-growing long term biodiverse forests with community participation and long term responsibility.

The ACCT TREE CENTER is located in Platanillo, Costa Rica at 2800 feet in the mountains between the small town of San Isidro de Perez Zeledon and the funky surf village of Dominical. We also have a community tree nursery in San Juan de Dios La Reina where we collaborate with Programs Pro Development Women of La Reina. We are equipped with eco-tourism facilities and can offer you the best most educational tour ever. Costa Rican home stay Spanish and Tree Immersion programs available in Platanillo and Valle San Juan De Dios. We are ever seeking balance... collecting seeds and planting and maintaining trees with full global community grass roots involvement all the way from the seed to the harvest.