Are you motivated to stop climate change? Will you share our message and help plant tropical trees?! Use these free printable posters and brochures in english and spanish. We have also provided our logo and our reforestation projects infographic.


Corporate Social Responsibility Information

Use of Logo on Products, Packaging and Promotion:
The use of the Community Carbon Trees logo is allowed only with written permission by ACCT and its Ambassadors for products or activities seeking to achieve carbon neutrality or carbon offset as part of its production processes. We offer a carbon calculator to assist you in taking a look at the greenhouse gases emitted from production of your product or activity. Remember that reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through improvements in efficiency and choosing alternative, renewable fuels can be subtracted before arriving at your final carbon footprint. As a minimum requirement, use of the ACCT logo in your products or website or marketing materials is only allowed in agreed upon cases based on the re-occurring purchase of Community Carbon Tree offsets with transparency about carbon calculations and total or partial offsets.
Please contact us for more information and permission to advertise your collaboration with Community Carbon Trees to achieve a carbon conscious lifestyle.
Updated July 2016